Here are some photos from previous shake parties (& Herbalife product orientated gatherings), held all over Malaysia, followed by, (at the bottom), a list of How-to-Do's, better known as Shake Party Formula X.
For those that love clear concise information ~ that is as juicy as it is beneficial, then right-click, (to open in a new window), this link:
These 4 pictures (1 above & 3 below), are from the Shake Party I attended in Kertih, Terengganu, yesterday, Wed 14th May. With Jun as the host (pink top), who has incredibly now lost 3 months! Amazing!
Above: A customer shake party held at the KLNutrition Club, with the MC being, you guessed it, none other than Matsalleh X himself...he he he! Lots of games & crazy dance challenges!Above: Just arrived in Kulim, after having toured Langkawi & Alor Star conducting shake parties for Chee's family, here you can see 2 of his 4 sister's. Also present is a good friend of mine from France.
These 2 photo's (above & below), at one of my most memorable Shake Parties in JB. It was held in the main weekend of Diwali celebrations, (so the whole family was there), and was also the celebration of Kartina's birthday...I just loved the cake giving ceremony, where the "birthday girl" puts it in your mouth and vice versa! Yum!
How to Do's & Shake Party Formula X:
Due to the power of such a concept, (myself providing all the information in such a way that I was not chasing a sale), the guests felt much more at ease, in desiring from the house-owner the product for their own obvious health & weight-management benefit. The main role of house-owner is to observe & learn...
ADVANCED PREPARATION (1 - 2 weeks prior)
1) Invite 10+ friends/ family / neighbours / colleagues / acquaintances to your house IDEALLY do a separate shake party for each different group. Its more effective when the majority know each other!
2) Buy at least a 35% order, IDEALLY a 42& order, not only will you have enough products ready to supply, but its "damn" cheaper!
3) Most Important: have your own product story, (either weight loss/gain OR energy, complexion, improved change in wellbeing...etc)
4) Prepare enough light snacks (within reason, fruits/rye bread etc), 1 or 2 jugs Herbal Tea, slice n dice fruits (for the shakes), need to have: soy milk / fruit juice, a blender & plastic or cups or glasses.
5) Use 2 different flavours of F1, (one from sponsor, one from new distributor).
6) Lay out evaluation sheets & the shake party specific form, (email Remi to receive one). Clean Tanita Scales. Open Wellness Presentation flip-folder.
Roles: MC = Sponsor Host & Shake Maker = New Dist. Evaluator = Sideline
9) Guest’s welcomed, offered tea, chit chat, whilst 1-by-1 are sent for wellness evaluation. (20min)
10) All measured, 1st shakes given out, MC does Mass Wellness Presentation using flip folder, ask that questions be left to the end. Randomly use a few people’s results as examples. (25min)
11) Q&A offered, whilst 2nd shakes are given out. (15min)
12) Product Demonstration & speech by MC, more teas offered. (15min)
13) Testimonials & ‘Anyone Still Feeling Hungry, Protein?’ MC gestures to light snacks. (5mins)
14) Sponsor & Sideline(s) work room & breakout (5min)
15) Host (new Dist.) deals with those who want to start! Explain a How To Use & Make sheet, Measure CM (optional), define food budget, explain costs & make sale. Sheets provided.
Duration of Party: roughly 1 & ½ hours to 2 hours & 1 hour for Invites, so total = 3 hours!
1) Invite 10+ friends/ family / neighbours / colleagues / acquaintances to your house IDEALLY do a separate shake party for each different group. Its more effective when the majority know each other!
2) Buy at least a 35% order, IDEALLY a 42& order, not only will you have enough products ready to supply, but its "damn" cheaper!
3) Most Important: have your own product story, (either weight loss/gain OR energy, complexion, improved change in wellbeing...etc)
4) Prepare enough light snacks (within reason, fruits/rye bread etc), 1 or 2 jugs Herbal Tea, slice n dice fruits (for the shakes), need to have: soy milk / fruit juice, a blender & plastic or cups or glasses.
5) Use 2 different flavours of F1, (one from sponsor, one from new distributor).
6) Lay out evaluation sheets & the shake party specific form, (email Remi to receive one). Clean Tanita Scales. Open Wellness Presentation flip-folder.
Roles: MC = Sponsor Host & Shake Maker = New Dist. Evaluator = Sideline
9) Guest’s welcomed, offered tea, chit chat, whilst 1-by-1 are sent for wellness evaluation. (20min)
10) All measured, 1st shakes given out, MC does Mass Wellness Presentation using flip folder, ask that questions be left to the end. Randomly use a few people’s results as examples. (25min)
11) Q&A offered, whilst 2nd shakes are given out. (15min)
12) Product Demonstration & speech by MC, more teas offered. (15min)
13) Testimonials & ‘Anyone Still Feeling Hungry, Protein?’ MC gestures to light snacks. (5mins)
14) Sponsor & Sideline(s) work room & breakout (5min)
15) Host (new Dist.) deals with those who want to start! Explain a How To Use & Make sheet, Measure CM (optional), define food budget, explain costs & make sale. Sheets provided.
Duration of Party: roughly 1 & ½ hours to 2 hours & 1 hour for Invites, so total = 3 hours!
Possible incomes at a Shake Party:
If you make a sale of 1 set/Start Now Pack, (Formula 1, Formula 3 & 100g Tea).By selling at full price you earn a profit of between RM 149 ~ 179 ~ 213, depending on which discount level you have chosen, (35% ~42% ~ 50%).
If 4 friends at 1 shake party decide to get started, then your profit can be anywhere from just under RM 600 ~ 716 ~ 852. For the soft efforts of 1 hour,(inviting), prior to the party, and the 2 hours observing & assisting the MC, (your sponsor), the income potential is not sooo bad, an income of RM600 for 3 hours of "training"!!
The real work begins, when they start using the programme, as you will have to use the follow up service provided to you by your sponsor upon your new customers. EXCELLENT follow-up = GREAT RESULTS on the products, and initiates repeat sales! Be sure to ask your sponsor/mentor for scripts & tips on providing the best possible follow-up.
If you are at the 42% discount level and your guest, (family-member/friend) wish to enjoy a membership price, (at 25%), then your profit will be RM 72. Allow them to understand that as a full paying customer they will enjoy several benefits, paticularly your excellent follow up service to ensure maximum possible results. As eventual "walking adverts" for the company, by achieving results, of course people will ask questions along the lines of:
"Wow, you look great, what's your secret?"
"I don't care what it is you are using, I want some!"
By assuring your customer of this eventuality, you can point out the membership fees and costs, are a step to take at the end of the 1st or 2nd month.
*Full/market price customers can enjoy a 30day money back guarantee.
*Membership cost is currently RM98 in Malaysia.
*Also good to note is that, on the occasional posibility that your customer wishes to buy more, for whole family etc, (keep your eyes & ears open for this...but don't force it), you can point out that the more products purchased the higher your "member-customer" can enjoy! See your sponsor to find out more tips on this.
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